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HK Govt Kicks off Low-Altitude Econ 'Regulatory Sandbox' Pilot Projects
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The HK government announced the list of the first batch of low-altitude economy (LAE) Regulatory Sandbox pilot projects, receiving applications from 72 applicants. After review by the Working Group on Developing Low-altitude Economy, 38 projects were approved for implementation. The applicants include mainland and local entities, university research institutions, public organizations, and commercial firms, such as China Mobile Hong Kong, CLP Power, the Fire Services Department, the Highways Department, HKUST, Kangaroo Limited under MEITUAN-W (03690.HK), PCCW-HKT Technical Services (a subsidiary of PCCW (00008.HK)), the University of Hong Kong, SF Express, and the Hospital Authority. The projects span multiple sectors and use cases, including emergency rescue, logistics delivery, maintenance and safety inspections, monitoring, and low-altitude infrastructure development. Chief Executive John Lee stated that the pilot projects will be rolled out progressively, allowing the public to "see and feel" the tangible benefits of the LAE. These projects will also allow the government and relevant sectors to simulate diversified scenarios, multiple air routes and overarching low-altitude airspace management matters, while accumulating data and experience to guide the work on multiple fronts including regulations, infrastructure, and applications. AAStocks Financial News |